Saturday, July 19, 2014

Magnets, Magnets, Magnets! Mesman Images at Portland Saturday Market

Today . . . let's have a look at Mesman Images' photo-magnet-factory locations. 

The loud and dirty work . . . cutting acrylic and sanding is done outdoors . . . although this depends on the time of day, because during quiet hours it is partially done in the basement or the garage and here and there the sound of the machinery is broken by a loud F... of Michael's voice.

 The cleaner work, like printing, pasting, gluing, and tagging begins in the home office, then travels throughout the rest of the house, from the dining room table to the coffee table and, then, for a short drying time, . . . the futur magnets get a relaxing break from the adhesives, sitting on the window sill or on the top of the TV, listening to MSNBC.  If space is an issue, any inch of the house that can hold the size of a magnet will do.

 The final stage takes place in the kitchen, under the watchful eye of our assistant, Sophie the dog. 

One more thing before packing . . . during the last drying session, we admire our work, which is hand-made from scratch here in Portland, using materials bought from 4 local businesses.  Buying our magnets supports five Portland businesses.

So, come and check out these photographic magnets, which show you the great places here in Oregon.  We are at Portland Saturday Market (Sundays Too!) which is the only juried market at the Portland Waterfront . . . not to be confused with the Skidmore Market or the World Market. 
We'll see you there . . . at Mesman Images, Row 200, Space 216 near the food court.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

People of all ages can have an interest and fun at Portland Saturday Market

For any age, there's something interesting and fun to see, to do, to eat, to drink, or to buy at Portland Saturday Market (Open on Sundays Too!).

Just like these two cute girls, playing with their ballons while Dad waits for the food that he ordered and Mom looks in a booth nearby for some new original wall decor.

Come and see our new Japanese Garden canvas panels.  We are Mesman Images Row 200 Space 216 near the Food Court on the Waterfront.

photographs by YvonneMestre

Mesman Images' new Japanese Garden Canvas/Panels

Saturday, July 5, 2014