Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Small Business Saturday a Bust?

Multnomah Falls, Oregon in Autumn                             copyright Mesman Images
We're small business owners.  Along with nearly 300 other small businesses, we sell directly to the public every Saturday and Sunday, ten months a year.  So, Small Business Saturday would seem like a slam-dunk, no-brainer perfect event for people like us.  This year, we promoted the heck out of it.  We had a special 20% off sale that day.  We put up the special signs generated on the SmallBizSat website.

In talking with our colleagues and customers, though, one question kept coming up:  How could Small Business Saturday be scheduled between Black Friday and Cyber Monday?!  Everyone spends their money at big-box stores and online that weekend.  Let's hope that, next year, Small Business Saturday gives struggling small business owners a chance to actually make some money!  www.mesmanimages.com

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